15 Simple Design Solutions That Turned Out to Be Ingenious

In some cases little answers for ordinary issues can enhance our lives enormously and also extend the functionality of regular things.

Below are 15 designs made for solving our every day matters brilliantly. And there’s a reward at the end that will totally change your attitude about deserts.

The call button for this lift is situated toward the beginning of the corridor with the goal that the doors are open when you reach it.

In case you don’t have any cash on you, we present you the card yip machine.

Both humans and dogs can use this drinking fountain in the park.

Containers with separate sections for sauce.

A socket extender — no more endless wires around your home!

Cart calculator. No more surprises at the cash register.

This mini remote control in a restaurant will help you to call a waiter, ask for the bill, or clear the table.

This baby carriage and scooter keeps the baby in comfort and the mom entertained.

This fitting room has unique hooks to avoid clothing confusion.

A cup with a hole to hold a tea bag.

An “extension” tap for the little ones.

This chewing gum comes with paper that can be used for wrapping the used gum.

A washbasin right on the toilet, thanks to which the water used for washing hands will be used again.

These nozzles for shoe heels can “befriend” your shoes with grass and soil.

The most ingenious slide in the world.

Bonus: wine ice cream — 5% alcohol and 100% joy

Which one do you think will fits you the most?

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