Shelter Dog Unexpectedly Comes to Aid of His New Mom

Cassie Peña and her husband were taken aback by an unexpected act of assistance from their newly adopted dog.

In August, the couple had adopted a mix of Akita and Husky from a local shelter, naming him Dexter. A month later, Cassie underwent a medical procedure that limited her mobility due to pain. “I had a medical procedure done that restricted my movements due to discomfort,” she confided to

In a surprising turn of events, Dexter exhibited a behavior that left Cassie astonished. She shared this touching incident with DogHeirs, expressing, “I can honestly say I did not anticipate this. Needless to add, we are thrilled that he has become a part of our lives!”

Cassie narrated:

“Typically, by the time I wake up, Danny (my husband) is already up and assists me in getting out of bed, fetches my meals and medications. But one morning, I woke up around 5:20 am with an urgent need to use the bathroom!

“Before I could rouse my husband, Dexter arose, lay beside me on the floor (I had dozed off on the couch), and began to bob his head up and down, not against me or the couch, just a peculiar motion…I interpreted his action, he must have realized I needed help.” “So, I leaned on his head and gradually slid my body upwards, took a pause, and before I could utter a word, Dexter, this $42 dog from the shelter, was seated next to the couch, repeating the head motion. I resumed leaning on his head to stand up, and he remained stable throughout.”

“He ESCORTED (unusual for Dexter) me down the corridor to the restroom, offering his body for support whenever I lost my balance against the walls. Upon reaching the restroom, he moved slightly ahead of me, and I leaned on his back for support till we arrived at the toilet, where, without any prompt, he sat in front of it and resumed the nudging motion.”

“I shifted my weight and managed to use the toilet. He waited until I reached for some toilet paper – he seemed to anticipate my need, as he got up and offered his back for support until I was able to return to the couch.” “I feel incredibly fortunate to have discovered him at the shelter! We’ve had him since mid-August. He’s an Akita/Husky mix that we adopted from our local shelter. The previous owner simply surrendered him. We are beyond delighted that he’s entered our lives!!!! He shares an extraordinary bond with both me and my husband.”

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