If You See An ‘8’ On A Fruit Sticker Label, Don’t Buy It! Reason Explained Below…

For sure you have seen before these labels for a lot of times. Bananas, apples, oranges — a wide range of fruits have them. In any case, have you asked yourself what is the meaning of this labels?

If you examine the stickers, you will see a bright logo, as well as a digit code. Things being what they are, the data it contains is extremely valuable for the customer!

1. Four-digit code beginning with 3 or 4

This shows an ordinarily grown item. Innovations used to develop it might have included pesticides.

2. Five-digit code beginning with 9

Natural! These items come straight from the garden.

3. Five-digit code beginning with 8

“8” implies genetically changed food. You might need to stay away from this one!

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