He Refuses To Help A Drunk In The Middle Of Night. But When His Wife Convinces Him – Oh Dear

A man and his spouse are stirred at 3 A.M. by an uproarious beating on the entryway.

The man gets up and goes to the entryway where a drunken guy, who was sitting in the rain, requested for a “push.”

“No way,” says the man, “it is 3 in the morning!”

He hammers the entryway and comes back to bed.

“Who was that?” asked his spouse.

“A wasted guy requesting a push,” he replies.

“Did you help him?” she inquires.

“No, I didn’t, it’s 3 in the morning and it’s bloomin’ well spilling with rain out there!”

“All things considered, you have a short memory,” says his spouse. “Wouldn’t you be able to recollect around three months back when we separated, and those two folks helped us? I think you ought to help him, and you ought to be embarrassed about yourself! Indeed, even drunks merit help.

The man, embarrassed, does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the heavy rain.

He gets out into the dim, “Hi, would you say you are still there?”

“Yes,” returns the answer.

“Do you still require a push?” asked the spouse.

“Yes, please!” comes the answer from the dark.

“Where are you?” asks the spouse.

“Here… on the swing,” answered the wasted guy.

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