He Makes The Music Louder, And Nothig Can Stop The Dog — He Starts Dancing To The Beats!

The dog was strolling over the road, yet when he heard the music…

They say puppies dislike loud noises. So when the driver of a vehicle turned on the music nobody expected the pooch that was going by to respond that way!

In this video, the canine out of the blue began to dance, as if moving to the beats! The entire thing looks extremely engaging. Be that as it may, there is one “but”…

Remarks to this video on “YouTube” are not that engaging, a lot of users are angry. They said that the video is extremely cruel in light of the fact that those bounces say that the puppy is sick with a fatal malady. They say the canine has distemper!

Watch the video and leave your impression in the comments below. Is it simply one more funny dog or a sick dog?

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